كاوا رشيد : “الشعوب أثبتت في تونس وفي مصر والآن في سوريا أنها قادرة على أن تحقق الكثير دون الاعتماد على المعارضة التقليدية


جمعة آزادي.. لتوسيع المشاركة الكردية في الانتفاضة السوريةBy شعلان شريفCrتقرير: شعلان شريف- إذاعة هولندا العالمية/ شهدت عدة مدن سورية تظاهرات شارك فيها الآلاف في يوم الجمعة الذي أطلق عليه الناشطون الذين يديرون مواقع الانتفاضة السورية، جمعة آزادي. واختار الناشطون هذه التسمية، التي تعني الحرية باللغة الكردية،

 على ما يبدو لتشجيع المزيد من الأكراد السوريين على الانخراط في الثورة. وشملت تظاهرات جمعة آزادي العديد من المدن، بما فيها العاصمة دمشق، ومدينة حلب الكبيرة، اللتين تخضعان لسيطرة أمنية مكثفة. ووقع عدد من القتلى في التظاهرات خاصة في مدينة حمص، إحدى كبرى المدن السورية، وسط البلاد، وفي ريف دعا في الجنوب، كما نقلت وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية عن شهود عيان، بينما كانت أكبر التظاهرات في مدينة بانياس الساحلية، غرب البلاد، وهي المدينة التي تعرضت في الأيام الماضية إلى حصار عسكري.

وخرج مئات من المتظاهرين في بلدة “عين العرب” في شمال غرب البلاد، والتي يغلب عليها السكان الأكراد. ورفع المتظاهرون شعارات، اقل راديكالية من شعارات المتظاهرين في المدن الأخرى، مثل “لا للعنف نعم للحوار” و “الاعتراف الدستوري بوجود الشعب الكردي في سوريا”، و “إلغاء المادة الثامنة من الدستور”، وهي المادة التي تنص على أن حزب البعث الحاكم هو “قائد الدولة والمجتمع”. وبالرغم من محاولة الناشطين السوريين تعزيز المشاركة الكردية في الانتفاضة، باساليب شتى، من بينها إطلاق تسمية “آزادي” الكردية على هذه الجمعة، فإن هذه المشاركة لا تزال أقل من المتوقع. وهذا ما يعترف به الناشط الكردي السوري المقيم في هولندا، كاوة رشيد، وهو أحد الناشطين الذين يديرون مواقع الانتفاضة السورية على الانترنت. ويحمل رشيد المسؤولية للأحزاب الكردية، التي يرى أنها اختارت “الدخول في مساومات وصفقات سياسية من النظام”. 

وعن إطلاق اسم آزادي على يوم الجمعة هذا الأسبوع، يشير كاوة رشيد، وهو رئيسي المركز الإعلامي الكردي السوري في هولندا، إلى ثلاثة أهداف يأمل أصحاب الفكرة تحقيقها: ” أولا نريد التأكيد على الطابع الوطني الشامل للانتفاضة، التي يتهمها إعلام السلطة بالفئوية والطائفية، كما نهدف إلى إزالة المخاوف لدى بعض الأكراد ممن يعتقدون أن الانتفاضة الحالية لا تهتم بالقضية القومية الكردية، والهدف الثالث هو تشجيع الأكراد على المزيد من المشاركة”. ويقول رشيد إن الأكراد لديهم إمكانيات لم تستثمر بعد، وإن مشاركتهم بشكل واسع ستغير ميزان القوى لصالح المنتفضين. “الأكراد لديهم أحزاب سياسية وهم منظمون بشكل جيد ولديهم خبرة في التظاهر والاحتجاج، على العكس من أطراف المعارضة السورية الأخرى التي لا يكاد يكون لها وجود منظم داخل البلاد.” 

ولكن، يبدو أن وجود أحزاب منظمة، أصبح عائقاً أمام المشاركة الواسعة لأكراد سوريا، وليس عاملاً مساعداً. ووجه الناشط كاوة رشيد، الذي ينتمي شخصياً إلى المعارضة الكردية، انتقادات حادة إلى الأحزاب الكردية. “التجربة المصرية والتونسية، والآن السورية، كلها أظهرت أن أحزاب المعارضة التقليدية لا دور أيجابيا لها في الثورة، بل على العكس قد تعرقل تقدم الثورة التي قام بها ويقوم بها الشباب المستقلون المتطلعون إلى الحرية والتغيير دون مرجعية سياسية حزبية.”
في هذا الإطار يشير كاوة رشيد إلى الورقة التي أعلنتها مؤخراً مجموعة من الأحزاب الكردية السورية “كان مضمون الورقة دون مستوى الطموح بكثير، بل كان قريباً من أطروحات النظام حول الحوار والإصلاح الشكلي وتعديل بعض القوانين.” ويعتقد كاوة رشيد أن التظاهرات الكردية لم تصبح حتى الآن مؤثرة وقوية بسبب “اتفاق ضمني بين الأحزاب الكردية والنظام الحاكم على التهدئة” ولتوضيح الفكرة يقول الناشط الكردي السوري الذي يتابع تطورات الأحداث في بلده يومياً: “في القامشلي (أهم المدن ذات الغالبية الكردية) هناك ساحة تتسع لعشرة آلاف شخص. لو اعتصم فيها المتظاهرون لشكل ذلك ضغطاً كبيراً جداً على النظام. لكن التظاهرات في المدن الكردية تتجنب الساحات والشوارع وتختار أطراف المدن” وحسب رشيد فإن هذا “التكتيك” تقف وراءه الأحزاب الكردية لتقليل الضغط الشعبي على النظام. ويبدو أن ذلك كله في إطار مفاوضات تدور خلف الكواليس بين هذه الأحزاب والنظام الحاكم لتحقيق بعض المطالب الحزبية والقومية. 

خيبة الأمل بالأحزاب الكردية تشمتد لتشمل احزاب المعارضة السورية عموماً. يقول كاوة رشيد “المعارضة السورية فشلت في عقد مؤتمر شامل، وكلما دعا طرف من أطرافها للقاء سياسي واجهه طرف آخر بالاعتراضات لأسباب شخصية أحياناً.” ويضيف كاوة رشيد معبراً عن إحباطه من تنظيمات المعارضة/ “ليس النظام وحده الذي يحتاج إلى الإصلاح والتغيير بل أحزاب المعارضة ايضاً. بعض الأحزاب يقودها الشخص نفسه منذ أكثر أربعين عاماً.”

لكن كاوة رشيد يستشهد بالتجربتين التونسية والمصرية مرة أخرى ليستمد منهما الأمل: “الشعوب أثبتت في تونس وفي مصر والآن في سوريا أنها قادرة على أن تحقق الكثير دون الاعتماد على المعارضة التقليدية.”

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exactly the same thing. “Instead of meaningfully engaging with moments of deep national trauma…” In my own essay Mo Yan According to You, Part 2, I deliberated quite a bit along this line. My point was that, Mo Yan’s criticality, touted by many in the west, including the Nobel Committee, doesn’t really engage the root of the social and political ills that define human conditions in China in any meaningfu way. He is harmless, and the Party knows it the best. For all his prolificness, his work has never focused people on anything essential; instead, it shifts you away from that gaze.

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Congrats Anthony on becoming a dad! I had no idea Kate, I’m sad to hear it’s your last week at CFM. I’m in Maine for the week so I won’t get to say goodbye I’m going to miss working out with you! Good luck with everything!Finally, I did a WOD with my 15 year old brother today and he almost beat me – if he didnt back out of the run!100 pushup (on knees)100 squats100 situps

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16/05/2011 – 9:04amLo que si me parece fuerte, es que los sinverguenzas estos, hablen este fin de semana a traves de un tal Marquez o Marquès, de que en Inglaterra no entienden de trampas y de mentiras, y que odian a los jugadores racistas, hablando claramente entre lineas de Busquet, estos hijos de P…. hablando de tramposos, los que mienten, manipulan noticias y fotos y acusan sin pruebas a Busquet o Marta Dominguez, con tal de vender un periodico mas que la competencia, estos que en Inglaterra no venderian ni un periodico, aunque regalaran la equipacion completa de la seleccion inglesa.

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Good luck getting people behind this one. Though you make some VERY fascinating points, youre going to have to do more than bring up a few things that may be different than what weve already heard. What are trying to say here? What do you want us to think? It seems like you cant really get behind a unique thought. Anyway, thats just my opinion.

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que font les « droits de l’homme » si présents dans les pays agités par le printemps arabe? pourquoi trouver « inacceptable » ce dont des musulmans ne veulent pas d’après notre Président et fermer les yeux ailleurs?

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Dear Santhanamullai, Sitting in a air conditioned room you can write what ever you want. Have you ever write about anything about the Kasmir Pandits and their positions now ? Do you ever ready to write an article about their conditions ? what is your opinion about the law, the law of Islam in Saudi that compels every lady irrespective of her religion and beleives force to wear burga ? What is your opinion about the millions of people killed by communits governments in the world ?When you write always try to see the second side of the coin also. Chandran

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Ronnie – their rack pulls are feats of strength done for bravado purposes, which don’t add to their deadlifting total. They’d deadlift just as much as if they omitted this type of rack pull. If, however, they rack pulled the way I’ve shown, they’d see more carryover – though they’d have to drop the load a bit.

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Durch ihren Kom­men­tar im o2-​Forum bin ich auf Ihren Blog gekom­men. Sehe jetzt erst­mal was das für Aus­wir­kun­gen teils hat. Ich bin bei jeder Klage dabei, kann Sie nur voll unter­stüt­zen! Es ist nicht trag­bar! Mein „Beileid”MFG

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’90% (absolute minimum) of Israel Jews support “war”’This is where the one state solution falls flat on it’s arse. Who the hell would want to spend the next 20 years living with a bunch of racists who want you dead, in the hope they’ll finally come around to the idea of treating you like a human being? Two state solution, let them build a wall around themselves and the world can forget them.

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Actually, … @4eva5000 Actually, my wife has a precondition, a heart problem, so she have been without health care insurance for the past 4 years. Now, because of this bill, we will be able to get coverage for her. So the way I feel, President Obama and the Democrats who voted for this bill saved my wife’s life. I owe them big time.I reject all the nonsense that the Republican teabaggers say about the death panels because the insurance companies already sentenced my wife to die. This bill gives her life.

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Hola Guisela. Perdona que no haya comentado tu pregunta antes. Creo que debes realizar el proceso de duelo de tu amigo. A veces a nuestros seres queridos les cuesta separarse para “ir hacia la luz”, y debemso ayudarles. Despidete de él con algun rito personal (una vela, un incienso, una pequeña ceremonia) y luego practica la meditación, el silencio. Un afectuoso saludo

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Agewise 13 is way-different than 15, and much more different than 17-18, so much in the way that Junior High is closer to Grade-School, and much mo' different than High School. Slipping a Quaalude to sonomubulize a 13yr. old so that ass-rape can proceed with the tip of his fudgy manliness – hey, maybe Madoff has conveniently dropped the soap too.It's a good thing some people remain anonymous.

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Ummm… who f****** cares if Derek looks like her ex!!! He’s not the same person as Trey, so it’s stupid to make it sound that way. Most people aren’t even giving worthy arguments. “I choose Lucas because he’s sooo damn hot, and it’s kinda creepy that Derek looks like her ex.”Are you kidding me??? That’s the best you people could say? I’m rooting for Derek. If you want to know why, look for my other posts. I hope the 5th book is the last. I just want this Derek vs. Lucas thing to end. It’s stupid.

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People are getting violent at town hall meetings that was setup to discuss what the health care bill is all about. But these crazy folks are bringing signs that denigrate the President of the United States of America and saying that he is a nazi. Come on now! We all know what they mean by calling him a nazi. It won't be long before the race war that they want so much breaks out. Why? Because the general public sat on their behind while Rush and Fox News pumped it up and agitated one to happen and did nothing about it.

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Sherry, what a breath-stopping moment. To read, savor, reflect and absorb with you – quiet and serenity amidst the chaos, truth amidst the deception, and victory of the eternal and significant over the temporary and insignificant. May the True Light of the world continue to dispel the darkness. God Bless you for sharing.

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Tema espinoso, estoy de acuerdo con maripuchi, en el tema de las listas negras,(o listas de posibles asesinados), aunque tambien estoy de acuerdo contigo en que no se puede ilegalizar un partido por las presiones de la derecha tramontana.El comentario de kaneda me parece fuera de lugar y machacar un clavo ya clavado,(¿que tienen que ver los gal con ilegalizar partidos presuntamente vinculados con eta??????).Querido rafa, la solucion me parece dificil y jamas contentara a todas las partes.Salud y republica

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Marta, genial. Aún no había tenido la oportunidad de leerte y, …sí, la verdad es que consigues que tengamos ganas de ir. ¿A qué país te vas ahora?Y como dijo alguien más arriba: ¡más artículos de marta!

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Hi, thanks for your questions! Patients may return to unrestricted activity (including sit-ups) at 8 weeks after surgery. Cardio and light lifting is allowed at week 6. Patients who work out after the surgery can certainly continue to improve their physique. In some cases we add liposuction to the chest or upper back to improve the overall contour. Thanks for watching! Dr. M

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Calma "gilbertinho" sua hora vai chegar…Finalmente os Oito (08) Ministros do STF estão dando um BASTA no CRIMES que sua QUADRILHA vem cometendo impunemente no Brasil nos ultimos nove anos…… inclusive de assassinato.O que dói é ver a desgraça que está meu país desde que MENSALEIROS e TERRORISTAS que fazem parte de sua GANG tomaram as rédeas do Brasil.

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Hallo lieber Henry, na schön, ich dachte schon Du bist im Weihnachtsurlab,und dann diese Schockmeldung. Ich wünsche Dir gute-gute Besserung und dass die Schmerzen schnell verschwinden. Lass Dich absolut verwöhnen mit viele-viele Astronautenkost und Weihnachtskekse. Meine liebste Chefköchin hat mir Haferflockenkekse gebacken, was meinst Du kann ich Dir ein wenig per Post zuschicken? Deine Freundin aus Ungarn, die Csöpke

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Wow, great thought about the tech working with Bishop DNA. That’s not good!Did you think of “Falling Skies” when the tech crawled into Peter? It reminded me of Hal being possessed by that insect tech crawlie thing that swam through Hal’s eyes. Yuck. This can only lead to tears. Oh, there was a Matrix vibe to that hole scene also.Great thoughts Lynne!(What did you think of the Mouse House buying Lucas films???)

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Mielestäni sanaa "ystävyys" ei saisi käyttää ihmisen ja koiran välistä suhdetta kuvailtaessa. Ystävyys on alunperin ollut nimen omaan ihmisten välistä ystävyyttä. Koirat tulivat kuvioihin vasta noin 15000 vuotta sitten.

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Esse texto do maisfutebol é elucidativo também de outra coisa: temos memória de que esse meio de comunicaçao, por exemplo, interpele assim um presidente de um clube, com uma pergunta e num título de um artigo. Se calhar sim e é distraçao minha mas parece-me que, uma vez mais, entre adeptos e imprensa, há um circuito que se retroalimenta à base de amplificar dramas do Sporting.saudaçoes leoninas,tiago

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The most successful war of extermination ever fought, probably. Boers almost did it. It’s to only way European populations were spared that conquest of the West and the subjugation of black Africa. I’m actually quite worried about the long tern consequences of decolonization for the quality of civilization in general. I don’t think white men have even been as “namby pamby” about their role in the world as they are now. Bringing Democracy to Afpak? Bwahahahaha. Iraq? Jeeesssus.South Sudan? Lol. Joke’s on us.

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i love beach picnics! although in theory i romanticise them more than i should. let’s get real, being near water=wind+sand flying everywhere haha. *chomp* boy this food is crunchy! oh…it’s sand lol. i try to go to the beach 1x a year and not go more than 2-3 yrs without it. i just feel at peace near the water!

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WOW what an acronym! Easy to understand and easy to remember.In the dictionary, some of the meanings of price are cost, fee, charge, and penalty etc. Due to this, I guess, price creates a negative emotion that we have to SACRIFICE something. But now we can create a new positive mental image of PRICE. We will be more WILLING for the PRICE. Like SMART method, PRICE is another good addition to setting and achieving goals. Thank YOU for sharing it with us. Your blog is really priceless. Let’s pay & play the PRICE Javed IqbalEducator | Empowerer | EntrepreneurLahore

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Oh my goodness! Such nice artwork, but .. well, I can't read it either. No surprise since it doesn't seem to be in English, but the handwriting style is very similar to my mother's. It's the way they were taught in those days, wasn't it?

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Sounds like a good idea! Pictures are definitely a good motivator. I saw some video of me just over a year ago with all the baby weight, I counted three tummy rolls! I always think I look fatter then I feel in photos, the best judge is how well my clothes fit. I think that color is fab, what a nice way to brighten up a grey day! 🙂

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Big Cyril as he was called, would come to Barnados where i was as a boy, he would eat three dinners in the hall and read a book to us, normally treasure island, we all knew what came next. he would prance about and fart in our faces, the smell was vile, we all saw him crutch sniffing and bumtouching but as far as i know he never had sex with the boys, the rumour was he was not able to because of his size ?Paul Leake

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Is the anti american perception generated by generations (since the pershing) of baloney worth NOT getting killers and picking their brains ?Its case by case, but based on Germany letting one of the killers of Mr. Stethem go, I’d say YES.Get the SOB’s wherever they are and tell our allies, we are coming after the killers in a world war, and ask them to remember where they live (in open societies, which remain that way because we have a lot of tough SOB’s guarding us all). So sorry, really and truly.

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Marja, that is exactly the impression I got from the media all those many years ago. Without the benefit of the internet, that is all we'd have today, too. As to Actors knowing better, they claim to know better, and were very vocal in a precisely inverse way to what they say now when it was Catholic Priests and Boy Scout leaders in Polanski's position. How good of Woody Allen and Whoopi Goldberg to be so supportive and understanding of Father Polanski as he tries to rise above this mistake and get on with his life. [/sarcasm]

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Mr. Weston's so very insightful article should be displayed in every Western government building.But in todays politically correct climate, that is just wishful thinking! In this century, the West has given us only one leader of note in a world rapidly falling into chaos. That leader is the current Canadian Prime Minister who appears to at least, have more than a clue for what is happening within the Islamic world and is acting to defend Canadian interests abroad.Can you imagine Obama or Cameron acting in the same way?

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Beautiful painting David, and great little boat ride, I enjoyed the trip.There is a tiny edit you need to do in the first stanza (I can feel the warm winds)You are really a great painter, you must sell a few?Ps: I have called you by your middle name in the past my apologies.Look forward to your next work of art.Cheers.David. L

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: vous semblez dire qu’un état non totalitaire ne doit pas être au dessus de la finance et de la liberté de ses acteurs ? c’est très contestable, même pour un état démocratique. La réglementation d’un certain nombre d’activités est une nécessité. La liberté que vous prônez n’est que l’obéissance à la loi du plus fort.347bd45

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Don’t know if it’s the same in English, but in The Netherlands we say something like this: Ugly in the Diaper, beautiful in a wedding dress (but it rhymes) I think al baby’s are cute, when they are older and drooling.. Brrr!

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that the Muslim Ummah faces the “most vicious Crusader campaign in its history,” according to a translation provided by SITE Intelligence Group.Zawahiri does not call on Muslims to strike the US. Instead, al Qaeda’s emir says that “secular and Crusader forces” are attempting to prevent Muslims from implementing sharia law. And to combat this supposed anti-Muslim coalition, Zawahiri argues, Muslims should first work “to liberate the occupied Muslim lands” and reject “any treaty or agreement or international resolution that grants the disbelievers the right to take over the lands of the Muslim.”

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There’s no place in Illinois for a lot of things: guns, freedom, dignity, responsibility, honesty, political integrity. At least if Chicago thugs had their way with the rest of the state, which it appears they do. As someone who used to live in a great state like PA marred by the leftist garbage of Philly, I know what that’s like.So, Quinn, tell me more about how your crushingly oppressive gun laws have made Chicago so safe.

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I think Dean is starting to become like Phil Berg when Phil Berg posted on his website a write up undermining the contention that there are problems with Obama's SSN. Dean needs to stop ridiculing Orly and get behind her for support. Dean is just giving support to Obots and is even giving potential ideas on how Obama's lawyer can defeat the entire hearing. Dean's support in going to go down considerably and he is gutting his own Birther Summit.

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Eh bien, vu l’heure à laquelle vous lui avez répondu, j’espère pour vous que vous êtes soit en vacance soit en pause. Car être sur des blogs alors que vous devriez être au travail risquerait de le conforter dans ses positions.Je ne prend pas part je constate. A bon entendeur.Freddy.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…VA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 2 votes)

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Wow! I just never thought about that! I know that there is a problem with paperbacks. This is why I went to e-books. I still cannot change my philosophy that there is inherent good in all people. It is not only poor people who pirate…but publishing company’s and company’s like Amazon and Barnes & Noble who perhaps unintentionally protect pirates, therefore they are just as guilty. I would much rather that a poor person steal from me than someone who has it all! No matter how I look at it, I loathe a thief and a lair.Thanks for the article.

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I think the pain IS worth it … as long as you've planned well. I prefer not to get tattoos anywhere that will likely change its shape over time, and have a standing 3-Year Rule: if you still want the same design after 3 years, go for it; you probably won't regret it.I do the same thing with my kids' school shoes: what if their feet grow over the summer?!? They spend most of sumemr shoeless or in flip-flops anyhow so I make 'em wait until just before school starts. Not guaranteed that they won't grow right away, but it's a shot …

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Si no os importa voy a publicar esto redireccionando a vuestro blog..Creo q es algo q todos debemos saber y cuanto mas se difunda mejor.. No con fines catastrofistas sino para q todo el mundo pueda saber lo k ocurre fuera sin esperar a comunicados oficiales…Si no os parece bien mandadme un correo y lo elimino enseguida.Seguid asi cn vuestro trabajo!

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got the next one youre about to post by him “Ive Been Here All The Time”, but I didn’t have this, super-stoked to get to hear it , the clip is excellent, and I don’t even have a copy of that version,,,,”If Loving You Is Wrong” , not sung but Mr Ingram,,,,hats off to Nikos & Groovy Emmanuel!!!!!

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Excelente Post Rosaura! Gracias por compartirlo!Definitivamente estoy de acuerdo contigo! ¿ya ves como no siempre estoy en desacuerdo? XDCoincido en que todos tenemos algo de narcisistas, lo que sucede es que antes solo lo expresábamos ante un limitado grupo de personas y ahora a través de SM muchas miles más lo pueden ver.Suerte!

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disse:É muito bom quando um (ou uns) repórter (es) conseguem fugir doi convencional e, admirando ou não, o personagem Hugo Gloss “pede” muito mais que perguntas “feitas”, aquelas que quaisquer um faríamos aliadas às técnicas do jornalismo são sempre mais interessantes.Excelente entrevista! Parabéns!

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Shooting is one of the rare sport where women CAN compete on an equal footing with men, and have done so. Why they thought women needed their own event is beyond me.What sort of shooting are we talking about here?Generally bench rest shooting? Anything with a decent caliber with a decent kick (7.62x51mm)?How do they rate in clay shooting events?

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#17 I’d take my chances with a home like that, they were built to last. Likely nice floors below the W2W, cast iron radiators, even the interior plaster walls are built solidly. But good god, it’s obtuse. Something needs to be done with the exterior.

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In my experience, the “liberal establishment” falls into two categories. First there are those who are well-meaning sincerely do not realize that their perception of reality is incorrect. I’d say this accounts for at least half of them, and it means there is still hope and we should continue to try to help them see the light.The remainder are those who know that they are not being honest but believe that they can make reality conform to their beliefs if they just scream them loudly and often enough. These are the ones that must be confronted with truth at every turn.

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…. Then this morning in Joni's devotional book, her concluding statement was, "The mature Christian holds a sober and circumspect view of the world. A view that deeply possesses an eternal perspective on all things, all people. Having a wellspring of joy in his or her heart, this Christian is a serious person. Reflective. Compassionate. Merciful….

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Circumcision should be voluntary and only after the age of consent.But I don't see the law being any good since it still green lights genital mutilation in the name of religion. IOW religious laws trumps secular law.It just allows dhimmis/goyim to opt out. Which is still a good thing but it doesn't go far enough.

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There is another option #4:keep on removing governments but not replacing them (with tribute thinly disguised as "nation-building"). For a fraction of the cost in blood and treasure we have already spent in Iraq and Afghanistan, we could have made a grand tour of the middle east, 10x over, toppling regimes.As a last resort (regrettable because of the loss of Coptics), one well-placed bunker-buster at the High Aswan Dam would effectively remove power from any potential regime in Egypt.

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Wal-Mart may be pursuing “consumer sovereignty”, but Democrats are busy undermining American sovereignty:Democrats open door for UN to tax Americans(Washington, D.C.)—While media obsessed about Rush Limbaugh and Congress obsessed about how much pork could be stuffed down the throats of U.S. taxpayers, Democrats in Congress paved the way for the United Nations to use U.S. funds from appropriations bills to pursue global tax schemes.They’ve already spent our childrens wealth, now their working on our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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That was brilliant. Also, in the year of populist nominees, I’d guess Crazy Heart was the 11th Best Picture nominee over films like The Messenger or A Single Man. I’d like to think it was 500 Days of Summer, but since that’s a straight comedy we know it’s automatically eliminated due to Academy rules (end sarcasm).

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Ich würde gerne Frevlerhand von Ines Thorn lesen und rezensieren, da ich ihren Schreibstil so gerne mag . Total spannend klingt aber auch “Noir”, da würde es mir auch Spaß machen, etwas darüber schreiben zu dürfen.Liebe GrüßeElke

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Messire, vous semblez fâché avec les mathématiques ou avec la biologie. Quelqu’un né en 1965, par exemple, peut très bien avoir un enfant né entre 1987 et 1994. C’est même le cas pour quelqu’un né en 1950. En revanche, il semble difficile, en étant né en 1975, d’être le grand-père d’un enfant né en 1987.

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Non so se stai parlando con me o con chi altro, ma non centra assolutamente niente con quello che intendevo io. Intendevo Miley e sua sorella stanno scherzando, questo perchè alla sorella di Miley piacciono molto i One Direction. Probabilmente lei nemmeno sa della rottura fra loro, andiamo ddai.

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That photo is a like something from a nightmare to me, but I can just not look at it. I can’t say for other people what might bother them, etc. The same people who scream about morality and who want laws to enforce their version of it are at the same moment against government doing anything at all. Censorship usually ends up being a negative thing.

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Du skriver det så bra, og jeg må si meg veldig enig med deg. Tar heller en kveld på sofaen foran tv, inne i varmen med et glass rødvin og litt godis enn uti "villmarka" for å ligge ukomfortabelt, fryse og livredd for alle lydene om natta. Jeg trenger virkelig en dusj og toalett for at jeg skal fungere greit når en ny dag starter jeg, og såklart ei seng å ligge i om natta er et must. Håper du hadde en fortreffelig kveld. ;0)Klem Jane.

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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

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Yes, it is the Ennis Preacher series. And get this – they are actually USING the real story. Every episode on HBO will be drawn directly from the story of the appropriate issue. So, if all goes well, we won’t be subjected to some retard version, like they did with ‘Constantine’.

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Thank you. I was waiting for this Article. Don't you just love it when American Nut-heads call the Ramat Shlomo area "settlements?" Perhaps someone should tell Mexico to send some suicide bombers to the states, and then ask Obama to return California and texas… Oh no, don't tell'em. Obama will probably accomodate them right away, America-hater that he is!

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Thanks for making me have an asthma attack from laughing so fucking hard reading this. The only thing missing was (door flies open) with Darkie 81 coming in to clean up the place with his tongue. When the family wants their chance, Moss uses his signature move…he pushes off. Probably also needed Welkah coming in to get Moss up the ass while Gaffney plays Lucky Pierre (in other words…needed to include the whole Brady Bunch).

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And then Hemingway punched Gracenote Jones in the mouth: KarribinerI’m looking forward to the inevitable time when Hollywood makes brighter, shinier reboots. Then we can all go see Mummy! with our children and sing along as the main characters realize the mummy just wants to be loved. We could do a double feature and see Memento, the heartwarming story of a man whose memory returns, but learns to let go of the past.Delightful!

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Information on clients, patients, students, constituents or whatever is not transferred without the written (not printed) consent of the person involved.I would hate to count the number of times I had to sign forms to release information on assessments etc for a handicapped child. Not one new aid, teacher, specialist would pay attention to previous work of other specialists. They all started from ground zero, wasting time, money and resources.Same with new mps.

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Whiskey – White women live in a world where their social power of ostracism and exclusion works wonderfully — on normal, sane, non-violent middle class White guys (which is one reason they really despise them). It fails dramatically when it leaves those guys, but they don't see it. They can't see it. Its worked all their lives so they can't figure it could ever fail.Exactly right mate!

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Jeg har jobbet i helsevesent i 25 år,så da har jeg bidratt selv i denne etaten,og i dag er jeg uføretrygdet pga ødelagt rygg,da jobben jeg hadde var tung,og de fleste må takke for seg i helsevesenet etter 40 års alderen.# prolapsopr,og rett over til nav,som forsøker å ødelegge en enda mere.Takk for meg,nå holder jeg leger og navansatte i jobb.

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c0343Maintenant l’engrenage infernal accélère avec la faillite de l’Espagne et de l’Italie . Mr Graghi aurait pu avoir un peu de pudeur en nous racontant sa ” Mârchen Stunde ” conte de fée ,prendre les citoyens européens pour des c… c’est aller trop loin dans le mépris et totalement anti-démocratique voir c’est du fascisme . Je lui suggère de démissionner rapidement car nous citoyens européens nous sommes lasser de tous ces mensonges.

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"se há um acto concreto que demonstra pensamento único neste caso, é um acto de um sousa lara, não de esquerda."Erro. Em actos concretos Saramago era especialista. Censura, saneamentos, bajulação a todos os regimes totalitários, fascistas, assassinos … Enfim. Como "cidadão", uma pérola.

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In terms of Ellis, I see a lot of love for Less than Zero and American Psycho, which were both excellent, and were focused on the Reagan/H.W. Bush years. I am surprised that more people don’t acknowledge Glamorama, which was Ellis’ statement on the 90s. Maybe because I am a child of the 90s (born in ’84), but this book really resonated for its capture of the vapid and hollow expressions of individuality and their unintended effects on global society, which have become even more prescient after the turbulent decade that has followed since its 1998 release.

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Poxa chefe realmente você mais uma vez nos surpreende com sua simplicidade e motivação, pois sabemos que somos resultados de nossas escolhas e colheremos tudo aquilo que plantamos e o própio jesus mesmo disse em sua sabedoria suprema “Não julgueis, para que não sejais julgados.” ( Mateus 7:1 )Fico feliz em saber que trabalhamos para um home que pensa assim parabéns

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Hi Nathan,I read this earlier and liked it. I probably need to read it again, but one initial thought was that most of the “non-verbal” in communication is non-deliberate and unconscious. That is, when I am simply talking to someone I don’t necessarily deliberately add in the non-verbal communication, it’s just there. I might touch someone on the arm or some such thing, but without having actually thought about doing it. So I don’t know how that translates into congregational singing with a view to being mindful of encouraging to others.

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Even if land were free, $50k sections would not be acheivable. Hugh does his credibility no favours by always saying this. He's simply out of touch with current development costs. Just like Ansell, you might sympathise with some of his general sentiments, but I can't get behind someone who quotes spurious 'facts' like this.

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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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ça y est je l’ai testée ce soir même et … délicieux !!! bon j’ai pas fait assez cuire et le sirop à l’orange n’était plus assez liquide, mais sinon vraiment bon !! c’est vrai qu’on ne sent pas trop les carottes par contre la canelle passe très bien (moi qui n’aime pas d’habitude) !!bref, merci d’avoir partagé cette recette !

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Could not agree with you more. You and Simon are excellent parents and Jill had no reason to make any off color comments about your family PERIOD. Jill is nothing short of a bully but to bully children is disgusting.I would have been in tears long before you were. You did the right thing and don’t back down from people with less then honorable intentions.

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We all know it should be Natalie Portman and, as for her not doing sex… um, CLOSER had her down to her skivies…I just think Page is to brainy-meek and the commercials of late HURT her believability.Pascal et al would never approve it, but someone like Rachel Bilson could get it done physically and, with good coaching, deliver the star turn…But the parallels as to LA FEMME NIKITA becoming NIKITA are to apropos to ignore… THEY WILL NEUTER THIS GRAND DAME BITCH EVEN WITH FINCHER AT THE HELM!You watch.

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Oi LU,Uma coisa eu posso afirmar: não há no mercado nacional até hoje um protetor mais seco e matificante que esse! Lá fora deve ter…Eu já usei o Minesol OC por mais de um ano… usava o Ada Tina há uns 6 meses… a minha pele n fica seca… eu até testei de um lado o Bioré e do otro o Ada Tina.. e precia que na áera do Ada Tina u tinha creme no rosto.. enquanto do Bioré, n tinha nada… brilho algum..Bjs

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Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com

instagram emiten.com @emitendotcom

Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com

instagram emiten.com @emitendotcom

Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com

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Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com

instagram emiten.com @emitendotcom

Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com

instagram emiten.com @emitendotcom

Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com

instagram emiten.com @emitendotcom

Startup wajib bagi investor pemula, aplikasi rekomendasi emiten.com Emiten.com adalah aplikasi rekomendasi analisis riset saham. Investor trader saham pemula dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sebagai komparasi pandangan baru yang memudahkan dalam menganalisis saham. Anda tinggal memilih analisis apa yang Anda inginkan, entah itu analisis teknikal fundamental atau analisis bandarmologi. Selain analisis saham, terdapat pula analisis komoditas maupun perkembangan money flow dan IHSG. Analisis saham diberikan setiap saat. Ini karena tim analis independen yang tergabung di emiten.com harus memperhitungkan banyak hal agar margin safety lebar sehingga tidak ada yang terlambat entry ataupun taking profit. Denny Huang, CEO dan founder emiten.com mengatakan, permasalahan muncul sebelum emiten.com dibentuk, yakni tidak semua orang dapat mengakses grup berbayar yang nilainya fantastis. Setelah bayar pun, mereka masih kemungkinan dijadikan sasaran dump, apalagi yang tidak berbayar. Oleh karena itu, waspada bila terdapat grup gratis atau berbayar. Bila terdapat edukasi, para pemula juga berisiko terkotak-kotak satu aliran trading investing tertentu. Denny Huang juga mengatakan, banyak sekali faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam jual beli saham, baik trading harian maupun untuk investasi. Misalnya, faktor seperti valuasi mulai dari PBV, PER, PCFR, PSR, DER, EPS, NPM, perpajakan, sentimen induk atau afiliasi perusahaan, aksi korporasi right issue, tren bisnis 1—2 tahun ke depan, dan good corporate governance perusahaan. Selain itu, faktor eksternal dan juga ekonomi makro harus diperhatikan. Emiten.com sudah dapat diunduh melalui Google Playstore. Apabila berlangganan melalui Google Playstore, biayanya terjangkau, yakni Rp229.000 per 12 bulan. Apabila berlangganan melalui voucer di Tokopedia (tokopedia.com/emitendotcom), biayanya lebih terjangkau lagi dengan bonus 1 bulan tambahan. Khusus untuk pengguna iOS, harap menunggu dalam waktu dekat. Para investor trader juga dapat memenangkan akses berlangganan gratis melalui giveaway yang diadakan pada akun instagramofficial @emitendotcom. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang emiten.com, Anda dapat mengunjungi website https://emiten.com


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